Hotel Polonia Palace in Warsaw (45 Jerozolimskie Avenue) |
dr Arwid Mednis - Partner in Wierzbowski Eversheds law firm. He is an expert in adminstrative law and specializes in Postal Law, Telecommunications Law and Personal Data Protection. Dr Mednis deals with various regulatory issues and litigation matters for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. (France Telecom Capital Group).For several years he served as a member of supervisory board of mobile telephone network operator. Many domestic and international rankings recommend him as leading expert in telecommunications and regulatory communications law (e.x. Chambers Europe, Who's'Who Legal, European Legal 500, Rzeczpospolita).
Grzegorz Banasiuk - Senior Associate in GLN Gide Loyrette Nouel's Warsaw Office. He specialises in Postal Law, privatisation projects in energy, infrastructure and transport sectors. He is recommeded by Chambers Europe in Public Procurement Law Section in 2012.
Piotr Brzeziński - Legal Advisor in GLN Gide Loyrette Nouel's Warsaw Office. He specialises in Postal Law, commercial law, energy,infrastucture and litigation.
Artur Salbert - Attorney at law in Competition Law team in Wierzbowski Evesrheds law firm. He specialises mainly in telecommunications law and postal law.
Bozena Marciniak - Attorney at law, Postal Law expert, MDDP law firm
Janina Fornalik - Tax advisor, Postal Law expert, MDDP tax consulting&law firm
Olgierd Swierzewski - Attorney at law, Postal Law expert, co-author of New Postal Law, Managing Partner at Lukowicz Swierzewski law firm
Alina Kepczynska - Director of Legal Department, Poczta Polska S.A. (Polish Post)
Łukasz Gołębiewski - Director of business and institutional clients, Poczta Polska S.A. (Polish Post)
Jacek Barankiewicz- Vice-President of Polish Direct Marketing Association
Robert Sulich - President of the Board of Polish Express Association
Wieslaw Klimaszewski - President of the Board of Alternative Operators Association